Artifact Highlight:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg as an Inspiring Educator

Every year, on the first day of my Introduction to Women’s Studies class at Georgetown University, I shared Florence Howe’s 1974 volume Who’s Who and Where in Women’s Studies—impressing new students with the range of women’s history courses available in the United States in the early 1970s. Who was teaching women’s studies fifty years ago?

On that list of professors from yesteryear, one entry stood out. At Harvard University Law School, in 1970-71, “Women and the Law” was offered by a young Ginsburg, Ruth Bader.  We would study many of RBG’s lessons: the women’s history that she taught, and the women’s history that she made.

—Dr. Bonnie J. Morris, University of California, Berkeley; NWHM Scholars Advisory Council Member